How To Be More Confident in Yourself

Do you have a hard time asserting your beliefs or opinions because you’re worried about what other people think? Or perhaps you don’t want to get out of your comfort because you’re afraid that you’ll just be shot down? Don’t worry, it’s pretty normal for people to feel this way. However, you will eventually discover that these feelings will eventually hinder you from getting great opportunities in your career and personal life.

The only way to deal with this issue is to become more confident in yourself. There are some simple steps You Can Do to Boost Self Confidence. With this Extreme Guide to Build Self Confidence, you’ll discover a whole new paradigm wherein you’ll be able to get better opportunities for yourself as a whole.

Sounds good?

Then, let’s get started!

Tip 1: Do Things You Won’t Usually Do

Here’s the thing about low confidence. If you are not confident in yourself as a whole, you will always doubt yourself about whether you can do something or not. So, if you actually do things you won’t usually do and succeed, you’ll boost up your self-confidence. Even if you don’t succeed, just keep on doing it so that you’ll give yourself the little push needed to show yourself that you can get out of your comfort zone. This is one of the best ways on how to be more confident. If you don’t know how to get out of your comfort zone, these 13 ultimate mental hacks to be more confident in yourself could help you.

For instance, if you don’t have confidence in socializing, just try to randomly approach people the next time you attend a social event. Just push yourself and try to push out any doubts you’ll have. You’ll realize that the doubts are just in your head.

To become more confident, you need to do things you won't usually do.

Tip 2: Use the 2-Second Rule

This is one of the most useful self-confidence tips that you can try out. Let’s say that you do decide to go to a social event and meet people, there is a chance that you’ll bail at the last minute. In order to avoid this, you need to push yourself before the doubts come in.

Usually, the doubts will sink in after around 2 seconds after you make the decision to take action. So even before that, start moving. This is a tip that can help you on how to be more confident at work and how to be more confident in school when you need to attend to social situations.

Use the 2-second rule to become confident.

Tip 3: Try Some Visualization

If you want to build your confidence on a holistic level, try some visualization. This tip on how to build confidence and self-esteem is extremely powerful and will change you if you do it consistently. What you can do is you can start visualizing the person you want to be before you sleep. Then when you sleep, the image of the person you’ll want to be will still be in your head. Eventually, the image of your future self will stick to your head. If you imagine yourself learning how to be more confident in yourself and eventually becoming more confident, you will.

Try some visualization as this could help for self confidence.

Tip 4: Prep Yourself Up Consistently

Lastly, try some positive thinking. This is also a powerful tip on how to be more confident with yourself. You can do this in your free time or any dead time. Just try to keep on repeating mantras on your head. Something like, “I am very good at my job” or “I am able to make friends at social gatherings”.



These tips on how to be more confident are proven to be very effective and helpful for your school life, work-life, social life, or relationships. However, do take note that you need to apply these tips consistently. They won’t work for you overnight. Rather, they will help you rewire your brain to help you see things in a pretty different light.

That’s why you need to be consistent!

So if you think that you need more self-confidence, now is the right time to take action. Follow these tips all the time and you will eventually see results.